Services: 9am & 11am in Oceanside | 10am in Carlsbad

Stephen Ministry

There are times when every one of us expereinces difficulties—

  • Loss of a loved one
  • hospitalization
  • Spiritual crisis
  • Divorce
  • Imprisonment
  • Infertility
  • Discouragement
  • Cancer
  • Job loss
  • Disability
  • Loneliness
  • Many other challenages

What is Stephen Ministry?

Stephen Ministers are members of our church who have received 50 hours of training to help people experiencing a crisis or going through a difficult time.

Every week, A Stephen Minister will meet with you—privately and confidentially—to listen, care, encourage, support, and reflect Christ's presence in your life.

Contact Us

Our trained ministers will help you free of charge - one hour a week.

Please reach out to Tom and Karen to setup an introductory meeting: