Services: 9am & 11am in Oceanside | 10am in Carlsbad
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Prayer Guide

:00-05 = Welcome & Overview

Why We’re Praying:
  • To unleash God’s power over our ministries during the final months of this year.
  • To learn how to pray in community.
  • To learn how to pray for an hour.

When Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, He asked the Disciples “Couldn’t you stay awake with me for one hour?” (Mt. 26:40).  Serious Christians throughout the ages have taken this a challenge to learn how to pray for an hour.

Why pray? 
I call on you, God, because you will answer me… Psalm 17:6

7 “Ask, and it will be given to you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Matthew 7:7-8

Until now you have asked for nothing in my name. Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete. John 16:24

They were continually united in prayer, along with the women, including Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers. Acts 1:14

When they had prayed, the place where they were assembled was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God boldly. Acts 4:31

One means of praying for a full hour is to change our posture, location, and types of prayers, throughout the hour. So, during these next 60 minutes, we’re going to pray in nine segments. (1) Worship, (2) Confession, (3) Thanksgiving, (4) This Fall’s strategic inviting opportunities, (5) Friends Who Need Jesus, (6) Places of ministry throughout out buildings, and (7) Each Other.  Some of our prayers will be together, others alone, and the last, in pairs. We’ll pray using the acrostic ACTS – Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication.

:05-10 = Adoration/Worship

The difference between adoration and thanksgiving is, we worship (or “adore”) God for who He is, whereas, we thank God (thanksgiving) for what He’s done. 

Let’s start by singing the Doxology together:
Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Praise Him all creatures here below.
Praise Him above ye heavenly host.
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Let’s spend the next 3 minutes doing nothing other than praising/adoring God for the various aspects of His nature. (He’s perfect; all-knowing, loving; forgiving; our Guide; our Protector; our Defender, etc.)

:10-15 Confession (silently, by yourself)

To “confess” means to “agree with.”

Why confession is important:
If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened… Ps. 66:18

What happens when I confess:
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

A good prayer to prompt confession:
Search me, God, and know my heart;
test me and know my concerns.
24 See if there is any offensive way in me;
lead me in the everlasting way. Psalm 139:23-24

Ask the Lord: 
“Is there anything I have done lately that I need to ask You to forgive?”
“Is there anything, if it came to light, I would be ashamed of?”
“Is there anyone I need to apologize to?”
Write your confession(s) on a 3x5 card, seal it in an envelope and place it at the foot of the cross. (We will dispose of them all at the end of the 24 hours.)

How to think about this: What do you need to confess, or ask forgiveness for right now? Write your confession on a 3x5 card and seal it in an envelope. Place the envelope at the foot of the Cross. (Someone dispose of them, unopened, at the end of our 24 Hours of Prayer.)

:15-20 = Thanksgiving (out loud, together)

If I was to enter the Throne Room of the king of my country, before asking him for anything, first, I’d tell him how great he is (Adoration), then I’d settle anything I might have done that offended him, (Confession), then I’d thank him for the things he’s already done for me (Thanksgiving). Only after doing all of those would I present my requests to him (Supplication). We’ve adored and confessed, so now, let’s spend 5 minutes thanking our King (out loud) together for the things He’s done for you and/or our church this year:
  • Great moments of worship
-     Unity in the Spirit
  • Wonderful staff and pastors
  • Launched “Your Kingdom Come” 2-year initiative
  • 500+ salvations
  • 60+ baptisms
  • 30+ new members
  • 40+ Life Groups
  • 50+ trained at Billy Graham Life and Witness Course
  • 500+ fed through our Food Pantry
  • 10 new Stephen Ministers trained
  • Held 2 excellent Women’s Conferences
  • Hosted 2 Nights of Comedy 
  • Held 2 Griefshare Groups
  • Attendance is up
  • Many new babies born
  • Many new friendships formed
  • We’ve received strong offerings this fiscal year
  • Our current giving is above budget
  • We started our Preschool
  • We opened our Work Studio/Ministry Center
  • The Carlsbad kitchen remodel in 95% complete
  • The Play Kingdom is drawing many visitors
  • Our Spring Carnival packed the Cafe area
  • We started Pickleball Tuesday Nights
  • Oasis was awesome

:20-30 = Praying for our next 3 months of ministry

Here’s the best way to pray together in a group:
   1.  Single subject: Try to keep each prayer to a single subject so others can add to it.  
   2.  Short prayers, like a conversation. (No more than 3-5 sentences at a time.)
   3.  Simple words, so nobody feels unworthy to pray.
   4.  Specific prayers, so God can answer specifically, and our faith can grow.
   5.  Silence is okay.
  1. Completion of solar hook-up on our Oceanside roof.
  2. That each New Songer will live in the joy we’ve now learned.
  3. Divorce Care, starting this month.
  4. New Bible study we’re starting at La Hacienda Senior Center
  5. That newcomers are drawn to join the church during this season.
  6. Pray for those who receive postcard & social media invitations.
  7. Pray for those who receive personal invitations.
  8. Oct. 12, Nov. 9, Dec. 14 - Jesus Burgers.
  9. Oct. 19 – Fall Festival (Carlsbad)
  10. Oct. 20 – The Bema presentation (Oceanside)
  11. Oct. 31 – Halloween Party (Oceanside)
  12. Dec. 7 – Pictures with St. Nick (Carlsbad)
  13. Dec. 8 – This Is Christmas presentation
  14. Dec. 13 – Family Christmas Movie Night (Oceanside)
  15. Dec. 22 – Free Gift-Wrapping Morning (Carlsbad)
  16. Dec. 24 – Christmas Eve Services
  17. Jan. 24-26 – Mosaic Winter Getaway
  18. Weekly Sunday Services, Promiseland, and Mosaic
  19. Weekly Life Group meetings
  20. Living Loud (weekly Wed. Kids Ministry)
  21. Mosaic Wednesday Nights

:30-40 = Pray for the people we each will invite to join us

Write your name on the top of your 3x5 card, then write the names of 2-7 unchurched friends you’d like to invite to one of our events or services between now and Dec. 31. (FRANCE: Friends, relatives, acquaintances, neighbors, co-workers, exercise buddies.) When you’ve prayed over your card, pass it to your right, and pray for the card of the person to your left. Keep passing until you’ve prayed for every card in the group. Then, keep that last person’s card and continue praying for them throughout the campaign.

:40-50 = Pray for places

Time permitting, each one walk into a room in the church and pray for the Spirit’s presence and the ministries that happen in that room (e.g., worship, youth, children). At the Next Steps table, pray for spiritual growth for us all. At the VIP table, pray for great connections with each newcomer.

:50-60 Pray for each other’s needs

Break into pairs, share one personal request, and pray God’s blessing on each other.