Services: 9am & 11am in Oceanside | 10am in Carlsbad

Take the Next Steps Classes

Step 1: Getting Started
Step 1 helps you start faithfully following Christ.

Class: Discovering New Song
This class will help you understand our church and how to become a member.
Step 2: Take Responsibility
Step 2 teaches you how to grow spiritually so that you have a vibrant Christian life.

Class: Spiritual Growth
How do I grow in my faith? This class will show the habits and practices that have helped millions of Christians grow to be more like Christ and deepen their relationship with God.
Step 3: Get Equipped
Step 3 gives you the tools you need to start making an impact for God. You can learn your unique gifts as well as where to serve others.

Class: Spiritual Gifts
What could God want to use me for? This three-week class helps you discover your spiritual gifts and how God has shaped you to serve and have an impact.
Step 4: Begin Sharing
Step 4 teaches you ways to share your faith with others.

Class: Spiritual Conversations
So how do I share my faith and have spiritual conversations? This class will give you the tools to enter into spiritual conversations and share your faith with those around you.

Spiritual Conversations Class

Learn how to get into conversations about God and then share your faith with others!

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