Services: 9am & 11am in Oceanside | 10am in Carlsbad

Our 2 Year Initiative

The next two years will be unlike anything we've done before. We will pursue a fresh approach to living out our mission through a refined vision called Your Kingdom Come. This is more than a campaign; it's our calling. It's our response to what God is doing and what He wants for his people.

Your Kingdom Come

We believe that God’s primary purpose here on the earth is to build a forever family of sons and daughters who know and love Him and each other, and will do so for eternity. (Luke 19:10; 2 Peter 3:9)

We believe that God’s primary method for building His forever family is through members of His church sharing the good news of Jesus with their friends, relatives, acquaintances, neighbors, co-workers and everyone else. (Rom. 10:14; Mt. 28:19-20; Mt. 24:14)

4 Aspects of Your Kingdom Come

We believe that New Song Community Church is called to play a significant part in God’s redemptive plans for the northern-most cities of San Diego and Camp Pendleton, and some part in the reaching of the world. (Ephesians 2:10; 1 Peter 2:9; Acts 1:8; Mark 16:15)

Accelerate our Mission

Accelerate our mission of helping unchurched people become fully devoted followers of Christ, .

Strengthen our Spiritual Growth

We will strengthen our spiritual growth by seeing 80% of New Songers trained in personal spiritual growth through our Next Step Classes.

Deepen our Fellowship

We will deepen our fellowship by seeing 80% of our Sunday attendance in Life Groups.

Enhance Our Local Ministry

And we will enhance our local ministry by installing solar panels on our Oceanside roof, starting a Ministry Center for housing Christian ministries, starting a preschool, refurbishing our Carlsbad kitchen, re-roofing our Carlsbad building, replacing the chairs and lighting in the Oceanside auditorium, upgrading the Venue Room, and replacing our aging HVAC units.

Our Goals

Spiritual Conversations
See every New Songers lead someone to Christ.
New Believers
Lead 2000 people to Christ.
Perform 250 baptisms
Carlsbad Campus
Enlarge our Carlsbad congregation
Church Planters
Support three church planters
Church Planting Internship
Start a church planting internship.

Update on Our Goals

1. See every New Songers lead someone to Christ
  • Did the Who's Your One campaign.
  • Looking to do more local evangelism and mission trips to Mexico.

2. Lead 2000 people to Christ
772 lead to Jesus in 2024 + 54 in 2025 (as of Feb 7) = 826

3. Perform 250 baptisms
  • 69 baptisms in 2024 + 5 in 2025 (as of Feb 7) = 74. 
  • Started monthly baptism Sundays.

4. Enlarge our Carlsbad congregation
  • Working to reach health at Oceanside Campus to send families to Carlsbad Campus.

5. Support three church planters
  • Jeremey Stewart visited. No set launch date. Have a shopping wish list.

6. Start a church planting internship.
  • In talks with a Church Planting Network on how to do this.
  • Looking to launch a ministry leaders cohort in the Fall

7. We will strengthen our spiritual growth by seeing 80% of New Songers trained in personal spiritual growth through our Next Step Classes.
8. We will deepen our fellowship by seeing 80% of our Sunday attendance in Life Groups.
  • 68% Oceanside campus; 89% Carlsbad campus. Need 7-8 more groups at Oceanside Campus.    

Goals Update Video

Projects and Updates

Select the down area to see an update on the project!
Solar Panels in Oceanside
Complete Dec 2024. Saved $5000 in January
Ministry Center Built
Complete April 2024.
Start a Preschool
Complete August 2024. Expand in 2025.
Refurbishing our Carlsbad kitchen
Completed in August 2024.

Replacing the chairs and lighting in Oceanside Auditorium
Lights are replaced. No update on charis.
Upgrading the Venue Room
Drawing up plans on what the remodel will look like.
Replacing our aging HVAC units
Replaced 2 in 2024. 1 more in 2025