Services: 9am & 11am in Oceanside | 10am in Carlsbad


Giving is an act of worship. When we give, we acknowledge God is the owner of everything, we express gratitude, and we trust in his provision. 

Quick Giving Links

Click on your campus to give to either the ministry fund or special funds:
Note: This contribution is made with the understanding that the organization has complete control and discretion over the donated funds, including the right to use such funds for other purposes consistent with New Song’s tax-exempt mission. Any funds received over and above the budget of the solicitation will be put in the general fund for operating expenses.

Ways to Give

Give Online

Give once or give regularly by setting up a recurring gifts

In Person

You can give your tithes and offerings in a church service or by dropping it off at a church office. 

Crypto Currency/Stock

By Mail

New Song Church
Attn: Giving
3985 Mission Ave
Oceanside, CA, 92058
This contribution is made with the understanding that the organization has complete control and discretion over the donated funds, including the right to use such funds for other purposes consistent with New Song’s tax-exempt mission. Any funds received over and above the budget of the solicitation will be put in the general fund for operating expenses.