Week 1 Bible Study
Joy in God
Warm Up
1. This week, we're learning to enjoy God. Tell us about a time when you truly enjoyed your family. How did you enjoy them? What did you enjoy about them? How do you think that's similar to or different from enjoying God?
Read Psalm 34:1-8
2. After being hunted for so long by King Saul, David got tired of running. He crossed the border and sought shelter with his former enemies, the Philistines. He had killed their champion, Goliath, and was famous for it. The Philistines recognized him and would have killed him, except David pretended to be insane, so they let him go (1 Sam. 21). When David got back to Israel, he wrote Psalm 34 to express His gratitude for God's deliverance. Verse 5 says, "Those who look to him [God] are radiant with joy.” What did that look like for David? And what does that look like for you?
Read Psalm 16:5-11
3. Once again, David is praising God for saving him. What does he mean in v. 11 by, "In your presence, there is abundant joy"? What does that look like, and how did he get into a place where he could experience it?
Read Nehemiah 8:4-10
4. After being conquered and exiled in Babylon for 70 years, the Jews returned to Israel. Nehemiah led them in restoring Jerusalem's wall, after which Ezra led them in relearning God's laws. Many of them had never heard the Bible before, and many of them did not speak Hebrew. So Ezra appointed Levites (v. 7) to translate and explain it to them. How do you suppose the people felt while hearing the Law of Moses for the first time? And what did Nehemiah mean (v. 10) when he said, "The joy of the Lord is your strength?"
5. Nehemiah told them to go and eat rich food that day. What do you think is the relationship between enjoying good food and enjoying the Lord?
Read Isaih 58:13-14
6. What does it look like to “delight in the Lord” (v. 14a)? And how does it feel?
7. What’s the relationship between keeping the Sabbath and experiencing joy in the Lord?
Read Matthew 2:9-10
8. It's likely the Wisemen had traveled for eight months by this time. The original language says they "chairo chara" – "rejoiced joyfully." What was that feeling like? These men were not native Jehovah-worshipers but animists who worshiped the stars, mountains, rivers, and animals. What might this first encounter with enjoying the provision of the One True Living God have been like for them?
Read Luke 10:17-21
9. Why were the 72 joyful (v. 17)?
10. Jesus was so pleased with their ministry that He "rejoiced in the Holy Spirit." What do you suppose that means?
Wrap Up
11. What have you learned about enjoying God from this study? And how are you going to put it into practice?
Share requests and pray for each other.
1. This week, we're learning to enjoy God. Tell us about a time when you truly enjoyed your family. How did you enjoy them? What did you enjoy about them? How do you think that's similar to or different from enjoying God?
Read Psalm 34:1-8
2. After being hunted for so long by King Saul, David got tired of running. He crossed the border and sought shelter with his former enemies, the Philistines. He had killed their champion, Goliath, and was famous for it. The Philistines recognized him and would have killed him, except David pretended to be insane, so they let him go (1 Sam. 21). When David got back to Israel, he wrote Psalm 34 to express His gratitude for God's deliverance. Verse 5 says, "Those who look to him [God] are radiant with joy.” What did that look like for David? And what does that look like for you?
Read Psalm 16:5-11
3. Once again, David is praising God for saving him. What does he mean in v. 11 by, "In your presence, there is abundant joy"? What does that look like, and how did he get into a place where he could experience it?
Read Nehemiah 8:4-10
4. After being conquered and exiled in Babylon for 70 years, the Jews returned to Israel. Nehemiah led them in restoring Jerusalem's wall, after which Ezra led them in relearning God's laws. Many of them had never heard the Bible before, and many of them did not speak Hebrew. So Ezra appointed Levites (v. 7) to translate and explain it to them. How do you suppose the people felt while hearing the Law of Moses for the first time? And what did Nehemiah mean (v. 10) when he said, "The joy of the Lord is your strength?"
5. Nehemiah told them to go and eat rich food that day. What do you think is the relationship between enjoying good food and enjoying the Lord?
Read Isaih 58:13-14
6. What does it look like to “delight in the Lord” (v. 14a)? And how does it feel?
7. What’s the relationship between keeping the Sabbath and experiencing joy in the Lord?
Read Matthew 2:9-10
8. It's likely the Wisemen had traveled for eight months by this time. The original language says they "chairo chara" – "rejoiced joyfully." What was that feeling like? These men were not native Jehovah-worshipers but animists who worshiped the stars, mountains, rivers, and animals. What might this first encounter with enjoying the provision of the One True Living God have been like for them?
Read Luke 10:17-21
9. Why were the 72 joyful (v. 17)?
10. Jesus was so pleased with their ministry that He "rejoiced in the Holy Spirit." What do you suppose that means?
Wrap Up
11. What have you learned about enjoying God from this study? And how are you going to put it into practice?
Share requests and pray for each other.

Week 2 Bible Study
Enjoying Yourself
Warm Up
1. This week, we're learning to find joy in being ourselves. For the next 60 seconds, you have full license to brag about yourself: what do you like most about yourself?
Read Psalm 139:13-14
2. David has spent some time thinking about himself. He concludes that he is as wonderfully made as everything else God created in this world. And so are you. Put an adjective to how that makes you feel. [For example, “Freeing.” “Wonderful.” “Helpful.” Etc.] And tell us why you use that adjective.
3. The last line of v. 14 is “And I know this very well.” If, deep down, we all know very well that we are remarkable marvels of God’s handiwork, why do you think there’s so much self-doubt and self-condemnation in this world?
Read Psalm 8
4. David describes how incredible God is and what fantastic things He has done. In v. 3, he shifts to comparing human beings to God. How do we do?
5. What does v. 5 say about our stature in the universe?
Read Ephesians 2:10
6. List synonyms for “workmanship.”
7. If we were prepared by God before the creation of the world to do “good works,” how important do you think doing those “good works” is to enable us to enjoy ourselves?
Read Ecclesiastes 8:14-15
8. Solomon has been studying how our world works and how to find satisfaction "under the sun." (I.e., in the purely physical, non-supernatural world.) Restate what he's trying to say in v. 15, and tell us what it means.
9. Verse 15 says, "There is better than for a person to… enjoy himself." Is that really true, or is it only true if you remove the merits of the unseen, supernatural world we're also a part of?
10. So, is it okay to enjoy food and drink?
11. What part should food and drink play in enjoying yourself?
Read Galatians 5:22-23
12. Some Bible scholars believe Paul is saying that the fruit of the Spirit is love and that love has eight facets to it (joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control). Others believe that Paul is listing nine separate fruits of the Spirit. Either way, joy is a “fruit” of the Spirit. How important is it to be walking in the Spirit in order to enjoy yourself? And what does it mean to be “walking in the Spirit”?
Wrap Up
13. What have you learned about enjoying yourself from this study? And how are you going to put it into practice?
Share requests and pray for each other.
1. This week, we're learning to find joy in being ourselves. For the next 60 seconds, you have full license to brag about yourself: what do you like most about yourself?
Read Psalm 139:13-14
2. David has spent some time thinking about himself. He concludes that he is as wonderfully made as everything else God created in this world. And so are you. Put an adjective to how that makes you feel. [For example, “Freeing.” “Wonderful.” “Helpful.” Etc.] And tell us why you use that adjective.
3. The last line of v. 14 is “And I know this very well.” If, deep down, we all know very well that we are remarkable marvels of God’s handiwork, why do you think there’s so much self-doubt and self-condemnation in this world?
Read Psalm 8
4. David describes how incredible God is and what fantastic things He has done. In v. 3, he shifts to comparing human beings to God. How do we do?
5. What does v. 5 say about our stature in the universe?
Read Ephesians 2:10
6. List synonyms for “workmanship.”
7. If we were prepared by God before the creation of the world to do “good works,” how important do you think doing those “good works” is to enable us to enjoy ourselves?
Read Ecclesiastes 8:14-15
8. Solomon has been studying how our world works and how to find satisfaction "under the sun." (I.e., in the purely physical, non-supernatural world.) Restate what he's trying to say in v. 15, and tell us what it means.
9. Verse 15 says, "There is better than for a person to… enjoy himself." Is that really true, or is it only true if you remove the merits of the unseen, supernatural world we're also a part of?
10. So, is it okay to enjoy food and drink?
11. What part should food and drink play in enjoying yourself?
Read Galatians 5:22-23
12. Some Bible scholars believe Paul is saying that the fruit of the Spirit is love and that love has eight facets to it (joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control). Others believe that Paul is listing nine separate fruits of the Spirit. Either way, joy is a “fruit” of the Spirit. How important is it to be walking in the Spirit in order to enjoy yourself? And what does it mean to be “walking in the Spirit”?
Wrap Up
13. What have you learned about enjoying yourself from this study? And how are you going to put it into practice?
Share requests and pray for each other.

Week 3 Bible Study
Enjoying Your Family
Warm Up
1. This week, we're learning to enjoy our family and friends. Growing up, was there much joy in your family? Tell us about it.
Read Genesis 1:26-28; 2:22-24
2. After creating all the critters of the world, what’s the first institution God creates? Why do you think He chose to create this particular institution first?
Read Ecclesiastes 9:9
3. How helpful is it to you that God gives you permission (maybe even a mandate) to enjoy living with your spouse?
4. When men and women are dating, they often spend most of their time together playing and enjoying each other’s company. Once married, it becomes easy to take each other for granted. List 5-10 ways husbands and wives should or could “enjoy life with your wife.”
Read Psalm 127:3-5
5. What is the Bible’s perspective on children?
6. Studies show that the most challenging years in a family are the preschool years. Dad and Mom usually feel tired and poor. They're in their early earning years, and young ones demand 24-hour attention. Verse 5 seems to say that there is intrinsic happiness in being the father of a large number of children. How important is it for parents to recognize the joy around them, even in the midst of potential stress and chaos?
Read Philemon 7
7. Paul was single all his life. How did friends fill his need for experiencing relational joy?
Read Proverbs 18:24 & Proverbs 27:9
8. What role should friends play in helping you experience joy?
9. What role should parents play in helping you experience joy?
10. What role should Life Group members play in helping you experience joy?
Wrap Up
11. What have you learned about enjoying family and friends? How are you going to put this into practice?
Share requests and pray for each other.
1. This week, we're learning to enjoy our family and friends. Growing up, was there much joy in your family? Tell us about it.
Read Genesis 1:26-28; 2:22-24
2. After creating all the critters of the world, what’s the first institution God creates? Why do you think He chose to create this particular institution first?
Read Ecclesiastes 9:9
3. How helpful is it to you that God gives you permission (maybe even a mandate) to enjoy living with your spouse?
4. When men and women are dating, they often spend most of their time together playing and enjoying each other’s company. Once married, it becomes easy to take each other for granted. List 5-10 ways husbands and wives should or could “enjoy life with your wife.”
Read Psalm 127:3-5
5. What is the Bible’s perspective on children?
6. Studies show that the most challenging years in a family are the preschool years. Dad and Mom usually feel tired and poor. They're in their early earning years, and young ones demand 24-hour attention. Verse 5 seems to say that there is intrinsic happiness in being the father of a large number of children. How important is it for parents to recognize the joy around them, even in the midst of potential stress and chaos?
Read Philemon 7
7. Paul was single all his life. How did friends fill his need for experiencing relational joy?
Read Proverbs 18:24 & Proverbs 27:9
8. What role should friends play in helping you experience joy?
9. What role should parents play in helping you experience joy?
10. What role should Life Group members play in helping you experience joy?
Wrap Up
11. What have you learned about enjoying family and friends? How are you going to put this into practice?
Share requests and pray for each other.

Week 4 Bible Study
Enjoying Your Job
Warm Up
1. This week, we're learning about enjoying our jobs. Between ages 18 and 65, most of us will spend more time at work than anywhere except bed, so this is a vital subject to master for a joy-filled life. Here's your opening question: When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Read Genesis 2:15 & Proverbs 14:23
2. Before the Fall, and even before Eve came on the scene, God directed Adam to “work the garden.” How important is work to the nature of being human?
Read Genesis 1:1-31
3. What evidence do you see here that indicates God found joy in His work?
Read 2 Thessalonians 3:6-12
4. What principles do you see here about work?
Read Ecclesiastes 3:24-25
5. What principles or practices here can help you enjoy your work?
Read Colossians 3:22-24
6. How much joy do you think people who work "only while being watched" get from their labors? Do you think there's a relationship between working hard and finding joy in your job? If so, why is that so?
Read Psalm 128:1-2
7. To “fear” the Lord means to “hold Him in reverent awe.” Do you think there is a correlation between fearing the Lord and having success in the workplace? If so, how does that work?
8. How do you feel about your current work situation? Are there ways the rest of us could help make your job more enjoyable?
9. Are there ways your boss or fellow employees could make your job more enjoyable?
10. Are there ways you could make your boss and/or your fellow employees’ jobs more enjoyable?
11. For those who volunteer at church: does your ministry for the Lord contribute to your joy at work? If so, how?
Wrap Up
12. What have you learned about enjoying work or helping others enjoy their work? How are you going to put this into practice?
Share requests and pray for each other.
1. This week, we're learning about enjoying our jobs. Between ages 18 and 65, most of us will spend more time at work than anywhere except bed, so this is a vital subject to master for a joy-filled life. Here's your opening question: When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Read Genesis 2:15 & Proverbs 14:23
2. Before the Fall, and even before Eve came on the scene, God directed Adam to “work the garden.” How important is work to the nature of being human?
Read Genesis 1:1-31
3. What evidence do you see here that indicates God found joy in His work?
Read 2 Thessalonians 3:6-12
4. What principles do you see here about work?
Read Ecclesiastes 3:24-25
5. What principles or practices here can help you enjoy your work?
Read Colossians 3:22-24
6. How much joy do you think people who work "only while being watched" get from their labors? Do you think there's a relationship between working hard and finding joy in your job? If so, why is that so?
Read Psalm 128:1-2
7. To “fear” the Lord means to “hold Him in reverent awe.” Do you think there is a correlation between fearing the Lord and having success in the workplace? If so, how does that work?
8. How do you feel about your current work situation? Are there ways the rest of us could help make your job more enjoyable?
9. Are there ways your boss or fellow employees could make your job more enjoyable?
10. Are there ways you could make your boss and/or your fellow employees’ jobs more enjoyable?
11. For those who volunteer at church: does your ministry for the Lord contribute to your joy at work? If so, how?
Wrap Up
12. What have you learned about enjoying work or helping others enjoy their work? How are you going to put this into practice?
Share requests and pray for each other.

Week 5 Bible Study
Finding Joy in All Circumstances
Warm Up
1. Philippians 4:4 says, “Rejoice in the Lord always.” But it seems like some circumstances are so dark that that's impossible. We're going to explore this this week. So, what kind of circumstances do you find yourself in these days? Joyful ones? Sad ones? Both?
Read James 1:2-4
2. Is James saying, "Rejoice no matter what happens to you?" or something else? Does God expect you to rejoice when a loved one passes away or when a friend gets diagnosed with cancer?
3. According to James, what is the result of responding well to a trial?
Read Philippians 1:12-20
4. What are Paul’s circumstances as he writes this? How is he finding joy?
Read 2 Corinthians 4:16-17
5. Paul was in different circumstances when he wrote this letter, but whatever they were, he had thoughts about giving up. What do you suppose was “pressing him down but not destroying him”? Have you ever felt like that was happening to you?
6. According to v. 17, what was helping Paul think positively and see a brighter future?
Read Hebrews 12:2
7. What enabled Jesus to endure the Cross? What do you suppose that looked like for Him?
8. What do Paul and Jesus’ reactions to difficulties show you about finding hope or endurance in the face of your difficulties?
Read Ecclesiastes 3:1 &3
9. What does this tell you about having (or not having) joy at all times?
Read Romans 12:15
10. What does this tell you about having (or not having) joy at all times?
Read Psalm 30:4-5
11. What does this tell you about finding joy when it seems impossible at the moment?
Read Lamentations 3:21-25
12. What did Jeremiah do when he felt despair? How does his example help you?
Wrap Up
13. From all of this, and perhaps other Scriptures, how does God want you to process your dark days and discouraging feelings? And when and how can you find joy in the Lord in spite of circumstances?
Share requests and pray for each other.
1. Philippians 4:4 says, “Rejoice in the Lord always.” But it seems like some circumstances are so dark that that's impossible. We're going to explore this this week. So, what kind of circumstances do you find yourself in these days? Joyful ones? Sad ones? Both?
Read James 1:2-4
2. Is James saying, "Rejoice no matter what happens to you?" or something else? Does God expect you to rejoice when a loved one passes away or when a friend gets diagnosed with cancer?
3. According to James, what is the result of responding well to a trial?
Read Philippians 1:12-20
4. What are Paul’s circumstances as he writes this? How is he finding joy?
Read 2 Corinthians 4:16-17
5. Paul was in different circumstances when he wrote this letter, but whatever they were, he had thoughts about giving up. What do you suppose was “pressing him down but not destroying him”? Have you ever felt like that was happening to you?
6. According to v. 17, what was helping Paul think positively and see a brighter future?
Read Hebrews 12:2
7. What enabled Jesus to endure the Cross? What do you suppose that looked like for Him?
8. What do Paul and Jesus’ reactions to difficulties show you about finding hope or endurance in the face of your difficulties?
Read Ecclesiastes 3:1 &3
9. What does this tell you about having (or not having) joy at all times?
Read Romans 12:15
10. What does this tell you about having (or not having) joy at all times?
Read Psalm 30:4-5
11. What does this tell you about finding joy when it seems impossible at the moment?
Read Lamentations 3:21-25
12. What did Jeremiah do when he felt despair? How does his example help you?
Wrap Up
13. From all of this, and perhaps other Scriptures, how does God want you to process your dark days and discouraging feelings? And when and how can you find joy in the Lord in spite of circumstances?
Share requests and pray for each other.