Services: 9am & 11am in Oceanside | 10am in Carlsbad

Dear New Song Family,

Once a year the world stops to celebrate and appreciate the greatest gift ever given:
God’s Son in human flesh.

At New Song we do our best to place Jesus at the center of the season. This year,
we’ll be doing three things to draw closer to Him:

1. On Dec. 3 we’ll hold our annual This Is Christmas celebration services. These
services get us in the mood to welcome the birth of the Savior. Everyone you
know will be wanting to hear Christmas music by then, so I hope you’ll invite a
whole row’s worth of friends to this family-oriented service.

2. On Dec. 24 we’ll hold Christmas Eve Services on Sunday morning. We’ve got
some very special things planned for this day!

3. On Dec. 10, we’ll give our Annual Christmas Offering, which is about generously
giving back to the God who so generously gave His Son for us.
Part of appreciating is saying, “We Are Grateful.” That’s the theme of this year’s
offering. I can’t think of a better way to appreciate our Savior’s gift to us than to let
the world know about God’s great gift that came to earth on our behalf, can you?

How the Christmas Offering works:

Since Jesus is the reason for the season, I’m asking each of us to give Him our best
gift this Christmas. The person you love the most is usually the one who gets your
most costly present. Lori and I are going to give a gift to Jesus greater than the
amount we will spend on each other. After all, it’s His birthday, not ours. I hope
you’ll consider doing the same.

Our gifts to We Are Grateful will enable all of our outreach initiatives throughout
2024 ($70,000), playground equipment for the Preschool we’ll be starting in
January ($30,000), and top off what’s needed to complete the Carlsbad kitchen
remodel ($15,000).

Please tap the "Give Online" button below now to donate your gift. Please spend a few days praying with
me about the size of your generosity, then bring your gift receipt to church on Dec. 10.

An early Merry Christmas to you!

Pastor Hal