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How to Study The Bible

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who doesn't need to be ashamed, correctly teaching the word of truth. (2 Tim. 2:15 CSB)

6 Ways to Grasp the Bible

 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who doesn't need to be ashamed, correctly teaching the word of truth. 2 Tim. 2:15


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How to Interpret the Bible


The first step is to look at the text like a detective. Often we read through text very quickly and miss key details. Slow down and look closely at what the text actually says. Here are some ways to help you observe the text.
  1. Read the text
  2. Compare translations
  3. Mark repeated and key words
  4. Ask questions
  5. Notice the flow or outline of the text
Let's look at each step.

  1. Read the text

This is a rather obvious step, but many miss this. Take time to read the text slowly, noting anything peculiar, repeated words, or questions that you have.

2. Compare Translations

Read the text again, but in a different translation. I (Scott) recommend reading
A. English Standard Version (ESV) - a translation that tries to translate word for word and keep the grammatical structure of the original text.
B. New International Version (NIV) - this is a thought for though translation that makes the text easier to read.
C.  New Living Translation (NLT) - this version is a paragraph that tries to replicate the mean of the original using modern words so that the text has the same impact on the reader as the earliest text.

Tool: Bible Hub 
Consider comparing the first 3 versions that are listed right at the top

3. Mark repeated and key words

  • Mark any words that show up more that once.  
  • Mark words that have a lot of theological meaning like love, covenant, justification, chosen etc.
  • Mark words that are important for understanding the text.

4. Ask questions

Ask the five journalistic questions

5. Notice the flow or outline of the text

Look for the logic within the text by highlighting the verse. Here is an example of an outline
of Matthew 28:18-19 "19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you."

Therefore (transition)
I. Go (first verb)
A. Make disciples (tells why we should go)
1.of all nations (tells us who should be disciples)
B. Baptizing (tells us how to make disciples)
1. Them (who, referring to everyone)
2. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (tells how to baptize)
C. Teaching (tells us how to make disciples)
1. them (who, referring to everyone)
2. to observe
a. Everything (tells how much to observe)
b. I have commanded you (tells what to observe)


Now that we have a collection of observations and questions, we can now go about answering those questions. I recommend the following steps

  1. Look at the literary context
  2. Look at the historical background
  3. See how this contributes to a biblical topic
  4. See how this passage contributes to a biblical doctrine

1.Look at the literary context

First, get an overview of the book. The best tools to do this are the Bible Project and the introductions to each book from the NIV study Bible.
Next, you will want to look at the first part

2. Look at the historical background

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3. See how this contributes to a biblical topic

4.  See how this passage contributes to a biblical doctrine

Part of interpreting a passage is seeing how the passage contributes to other biblical teaching also known as systematic theology. Ask the following quesitons.
  1. What does this passage teach us about God the Father (theology proper)
  2. What does this passage teach us about Jesus (Christology)
  3. What does this passage teach us about the Holy Spirit (Pneumatology)
  4. What does this passage teach us about humans (Anthropology)
  5. What does this passage teach us about the church (Ecclesiology) 
  6. What does this passage teach out about the Bible (Bibliology)
  7. What does this passage teach us about the end times (Eschatology) 


When applying the Bible ask about 3 relationships
These videos are a must for understanding how each book of the Bible is put together.
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Theological and Biblical Training Online

Free online learning about theology & life with courses. They have a course on almost every book of the Bible.
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