Services: 9am & 11am in Oceanside | 10am in Carlsbad

PromiseLand Kids

In our kids' ministry, PromiseLand, we partner with parents to raise children who love and follow Jesus.
We are passionate about making PromiseLand the best hour of your child’s week. We prepare fun, age-appropriate, life-building experiences for them.

What's Important to Us

  • Child-focused ministry that is age-appropriate and meaningful to today’s kids.
  • Bible teaching and worship that helps kids learn Biblical truth and experience God.
  • Small groups for kids where they decide how to apply the Bible lesson to their lives.
  • Relationships that connect our PromiseLand families.
  • Safety that ensures each child’s physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Read more about our Safe Place 4 Kids policy here.
  • Fun that makes kids and their friends want to come to church.

Our Nursery team teaches the first lessons of loving God, His church, and His people. With a ratio of 1:2, you can feel great about going into church knowing that your baby will be lovingly cared for. Each room has just the right toys and is staffed with loving volunteers who are ready to meet your baby’s needs. Some say it’s the snack. Others say it’s the craft or the toys, but we know it’s our team that makes our preschool rooms so popular with little people. Age-appropriate story time, crafts, and play time teach Bible stories and important life lessons like sharing the Playdough with your friends.

Our time with elementary kids is divided into three segments: (1) activity stations, (2) Large Group, which includes high energy and interactive worship and Bible story, and (3) life application small group time.
All of our staff and volunteers are background-checked and thoroughly trained. After you’ve filled out a short registration card and checked your child in to his/her classroom, you can enjoy “big church” knowing that your child is in a safe, loving environment, where he/she will learn about Jesus. When the service is over, simply return to the classroom to pick up your child.

Serving Opportunities

We are committed to helping God’s people serve according to their gifts and passion. We have many different ministry positions in PromiseLand – something for almost everyone. PromiseLand is a great place to give back and to make a difference in the lives of children. We have a wide variety of serving positions available: performing live on stage or being behind the scenes prepping the classrooms, worship or teaching, teachers aids, caregivers for our littles ones, greeting, security and safety or filling administrative roles. We invite you to join our ministry and make a difference in our children’s lives.

Ministry Contact

Susan Bogus
PromiseLand Director