Services: 9am & 11am in Oceanside | 10am in Carlsbad

Mosaic Youth

MOSAIC is a community where everyone belongs, regardless of background, while seeking Jesus with others.


We believe all youth require room to express their personalities and ask difficult questions while seeking God through community. Here are ways students can be a part of MOSAIC.
  • MDWK – Join us at the Oceanside Campus each Wednesday (midweek) from 6:30-8:30pm for a high-energy, dynamic evening. You can expect great games, laughter, worship, and LIFEgroups. LIFEgroups are the core of MOSAIC. It’s where friendships are made, discipleship happens, and youth are challenged to pursue Jesus.
  • Sunday Services – At our Oceanside campus, we offer an age-specific service for our students concurrently with the main service at 9:00am and 11:00am. Attendees can expect youth-led worship, relevant teaching, and opportunities to connect with other teens.
  • MOSAIC Girl (MGirl) – MGirl is a judgment-free community of students empowered to live out who God has called them to be. MGirl provides opportunities to discover skills, talents, and passion in environments that allow girls to discover God’s purpose for their lives. Find out more about MGirl on their Instagram at
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