Services: 9am & 11am in Oceanside | 10am in Carlsbad

A 30 day journey to find long-lasting Joy!

Your life is about to be elevated. You're about to discover and experience two profound realities you may not have thought much about before. One of those realities is about God. The other is about you. Both are about joy.

Join Us for Our Beach Baptism

Our annual Beach Baptism & BBQ is back! Join us as we gather at the beach as a community to celebrate those who have made the decision to follow Jesus and proclaim their decision through baptism. You can expect great food, worship and fun with the family. If your next step in your walk with Jesus is baptism, come see us at the Next Steps table or sign up today.

What is Joy?

The Bible has so much to teach us about this! It mentions “joy” 242 times, "joyful,” and “joyfully” 36 times, “rejoicing” 154 times, and “enjoy” 57 times, for a total of 489 references to this subject we're about to soak in.

Online Resources for you!

The 5 Week Plan

Over the next five weeks, we’ll spend six days each week learning to:
Week 1 – Enjoying God
Week 2 – Enjoying Yourself
Week 3 – Enjoying Your Family
Week 4 – Enjoying Your Job
Week 5 – Finding Joy in All Circumstances

Maximize your Experience

1. Attend each service (September 8 through October 6)
2. Read the daily readings (get the PDF of the book here)
3. Join a life group. (get the Bible studies here)

Join a Group