Services: 9am & 11am in Oceanside | 10am in Carlsbad
The Future Unveiled: 12 Biblical Events That Will Change Everything
on October 14th, 2024
In the tapestry of human history, there are threads that stretch far into the future - events foretold in Scripture that will bring about the culmination of God's plan for the world. These prophetic occurrences give believers hope and perspective as they navigate life in the present age. Let's explore 12 key events that the Bible says lie ahead:1. Asaph's WarThis ongoing conflict began with Israel...  Read More
Praying Through Pain
on October 9th, 2024
In times of deep anguish, when life seems unbearable and God feels distant, the ancient practice of lament offers a path forward. Lament is a form of prayer that gives voice to our pain, confusion, and even anger towards God, while ultimately reaffirming our trust in Him. One of the most powerful examples of lament in scripture is Psalm 22, which begins with the haunting words, "My God, my God, wh...  Read More
Love Like No Other
on September 30th, 2024
Loving Like No OtherIn a world that often seems divided and tumultuous, it's easy to lose sight of what truly matters. But as followers of Christ, we are called to focus on two simple yet profound commandments: love God and love people. These timeless instructions, given by Jesus himself, form the foundation of our faith and should guide our daily lives.The Greatest CommandmentsWhen asked to summa...  Read More
Who God Says You Are
on September 16th, 2024
You are not defined by your performance, your possessions, or other people's opinions. You are defined by what God says about you. And He says you are blessed, chosen, holy, blameless, adopted, forgiven, loved, a masterpiece, a new creation, and you belong to His family.This isn't just positive thinking or self-help rhetoric. It's about aligning our self-perception with the truth of who God says w...  Read More
Healing the Wounds of Your Families' Past
on August 21st, 2024
All families carry baggage - wounds, hurts, and dysfunctional patterns that get passed down from generation to generation. It's the human condition, the legacy of our fallen nature. But it doesn't have to be our destiny.As the saying goes, "The sins of the father are visited upon the children to the third and fourth generation." We've all seen this play out - a father's alcoholism leading to a son...  Read More
Seen by God: The Transformative Power of Christ's Love
on August 13th, 2024
Imagine for a moment that you could peer into the mind of God. What would you see? What consumes the thoughts of the all-powerful Creator of the universe? The answer might surprise you: people. Not cosmic events, not the grandeur of creation, but you and me – fragile, flawed, yet infinitely precious human beings.This revelation challenges everything we think we know about God and ourselves. In a w...  Read More
Embracing the Impossible: Opening Your Heart to God's Power
on August 4th, 2024
Many of us find ourselves reflecting on the past and contemplating the future. We may be carrying burdens from the previous year - challenges that seem insurmountable, relationships that appear irreparable, or dreams that feel out of reach. It's easy to become disheartened and lose hope for positive change. But what if this year could be different? What if we opened our hearts to the possibility o...  Read More
Praying with Persistence: Lessons from Jesus' Parable of the Widow and the Unjust Judge
on July 26th, 2024
Prayer is often described as an essential part of the Christian life, yet many believers struggle to maintain a consistent prayer practice. If you've ever felt discouraged in your prayer life or wondered if God is really listening, Jesus has an encouraging message for you in the parable of the persistent widow and the unjust judge.In Luke 18:1-8, Jesus tells this parable specifically to teach his ...  Read More
The Seasons of Marriage: Navigating Love's Journey
on July 23rd, 2024
Marriage is often portrayed as a fairytale ending, but the reality is far more complex and beautiful. Like nature's changing seasons, marriages go through distinct phases, each with its own challenges and opportunities for growth. Understanding these seasons can help couples build a love that truly lasts a lifetime.The Season of RomanceEvery marriage begins with the intoxicating season of romance....  Read More
Staying Salty: Images of Being a Christ Follower
on July 22nd, 2024
We often hear that following Jesus will bring peace, joy, and blessings to our lives. While this is certainly true, Jesus also made it clear that being his disciple comes at a high cost. In a challenging sermon recorded in Luke 14:25-35, Jesus laid out some difficult requirements for those who want to truly follow him. Let's unpack these teachings and consider what they mean for us today.Family Se...  Read More
Embracing Childlike Faith: Lessons from the Rich Young Ruler
on June 28th, 2024
Embracing Childlike Faith: Lessons from the Rich Young RulerIn our journey through life, we often find ourselves grappling with questions of faith, purpose, and what it truly means to follow Jesus. A powerful story from the Gospel of Luke provides profound insights into these questions - the encounter between Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler. This narrative, juxtaposed with Jesus' teachings about ch...  Read More